Dreyfus funds to replace LEC garage door

The county supervisors on Monday approved providing $3,499 from their discretionary Dreyfus funds to replace the garage door and opener at the law enforcement center.

Chief deputy Jack Williams said the door is 25 years old and that he is replacing hinges on the door nearly weekly. The sheriff’s office had budgeted $9,100 for such projects this fiscal year (started July 1), but there are needs other than the garage door that would be met with those funds. Williams said if the Dreyfus funds were available for the garage door, the budgeted funds would go to replacing the entry door.

The county received $50,000 per year from Louis Dreyfus LLC in Grand Junction in lieu of property taxes. Half that goes toward property tax relief; the remaining half is used at the supervisors’ discretion.

The supervisors have in the past funded “bricks and mortar” projects that had no source of tax money. Projects like the Sierra Community Theatre renovations, architectural work for the Grand Junction Community Center, and work at the VFW building in Jefferson have received Dreyfus funds.

More recently, Dreyfus funds have been used for necessary law enforcement items that were not included in regular budgets. The Jefferson police department got Dreyfus funds for an in-car computer.


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